Migraine Drip

Relax with the ingredients needed to curb the nauseating migraine.

1 Liter of IV Fluids | Magnesium | Reglan | Toradol

A migraine can completely throw off your day or even your week. When you have a migraine or bad headache that won’t go away, our specially formulated migraine IV drip can relieve discomfort as quickly as possible, targeting nausea and inflammation.

In addition to relieving the pain and discomfort of migraines, our Migraine Drip intravenous infusion is beneficial for reducing:

  • Anxiety
  • Dehydration
  • Muscle tightness
  • Nausea and vomiting

The pain from migraines can be incapacitating and interfere with a person’s ability to work, go to school, or complete daily tasks. Whether you are a chronic migraine sufferer, or are experiencing your first migraine or severe headache, our specialized migraine IV infusion therapy can quickly relieve your pain and get you back on your feet. For added benefits, the Migraine Drip can be combined with Benadryl or a B-Complex Booster. To enjoy the benefits of this, you can visit one of our spas in Texas.

Our proprietary migraine relieve IV blend includes the following vitamins and medications:

Magnesium: This important vitamin helps reduce inflammation, soreness, headaches, migraines, and PMS. It has also been shown to combat the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Reglan: Reglan is commonly used in the treatment of acute migraine headaches because of its ability to help suppress nausea and other symptoms typically associated with migraines.

Toradol: Toradol is a NSAID known for its ability to provide fast pain relief, particularly for migraine headaches.

Member Price: $120
Walk-Ins: $190


With locations all over the Greater Houston area, TX and the Rio Grande Valley, we are expanding to continue servicing the growing demand of our community.

As pioneers of IV Therapy, ThrIVe Drip Spa is led by MIT alumn, Dr. Eugene Lou, who instills passion and safety into every location we open.

ThrIVe Drip Spa Locations

Consistency is key


There’s a drip for that

View our 12 Signature Drips

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What is IV Therapy?